My friend
Pam is taking up photography and flower arrangement. She let me adopt one of her arrangements because she's in Manila, so lucky me now has this lovely dining table centerpiece.
I have to convince hubby to invest in a Canon SLR though... my chunky, amateurish, ancient 3.2mp Cybershot doesn't do this arrangement justice. Grainy photos are not my cup of tea, but until I get my new camera and take my longed-for lessons, this will have to do.
Blogging is new to me, and since I'm

a confirmed technophobe, this entry is quite an achievement! Finally, I have pictures! The salad you see here was my lunch today, an abstinence Friday. It's simply mesclun greens topped with lemon-white wine seared shrimp, shredded crabstick, thai pomelo and tomato wedges. The dressing is a simple dijon mustard/garlic/salad vinegar/canola oil/cracked black pepper/sugar/worcestershire sauce emulsion.

the salad I had a small serving of pesto tossed spaghetti. The pesto was bottled and nothing compared to a freshly-made one, but a harried mother with a sick toddler doesn't have much choice in the matter. I heated the pesto, added some cream and leftover shredded mozarella, and mixed in some of the lemon shrimp I also used in the salad. The mozarella made the sauce extra thick and rich, and the cream and twinge of lemon added depth to a dull bottled sauce.
Sorry, better plating next time.
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