Pineapple buns and other "panaderia" goodies

Fluffy omelet and crunchy buttered roll for breakfast from a very local place

Colors of the market: the oranges, pinks, greys of various fish, the depth of green of leafy vegetables, the rainbow colors of fruits in season, the reds, browns and yellows of roasting meat and fowl hanging from hooks

Stinky tofu

Dried seafood

More dried seafood, with dried kumquat (the roundish green thing) that people use in soups for its medicinal properties

Starfish! Wonder what they use this for...

Streetfood: skewered everything

Cuttlefish! Deep-fried and sprinkled with pepper salt. I prefer mine plain and swimming in vinegar.

Deep-fried vegetables, some with fish paste (made of dace)

Fresh fruit shakes/juice. No sugar or ice added! This is one of the nicer-looking fruit stands, by the way. I usually get my fruit fix from a hidden sidewalk vendor who uses maybe 2 blenders and 1 juicer of dubious hygiene for many different types of fruits.

Waffle. Who doesn't love the egg-y smell of this childhood favorite?
More to come...
I love trying one new thing at these streetside food stands. I've had interesting fruit shakes, and minus the stinky tofu, I do love all sorts of fried goodies from the HK hawkers. I can't get a bite of stinky tofu down though, the smell just overwhelms me.
yup the smell can be overwhelming... i can only eat a few pieces at a time, and usually they're dunked in sauce. My Taiwanese friend says the stinky tofu in HK are sanitized versions already and lack that "heavenly, stinky" odor. haha.
hi ragamuffin, can u email me please:)
I always make it a point to eat Ham Shui Gok when in HK! Although oily - I love it!!
been in-love with hk ever since i was 12... i just have to satisfy my love affair w/ hk by going at least once or twice a year... how i envy you... thanks for sharing your finds... :)
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